Legend of Zelda: 2nd Quest
This guides you through the dungeons in the second quest (the overworld is coming soon). To access the second quest, enter your name as ZELDA.
Dungeon 1
Enter and go right, and win the boomerang. Go left and up. Get the key and blow up the right wall and go through. Move the stone and access the stairs. Upon entering, go left. Then bomb the top wall, and fight the dragon. Win the heart container and then go right for the first Triforce piece.
Dungeon 2
Enter and go up five times (call the second one Area 1), getting keys in the 1st and 3rd screen. Bomb the right wall and go right. Get a key there, then come down to the screen where you obtained the last key. Walk right through the wall on bottom and get the whistle here. Go back to Area 1 and head right. Get the compass here, blast the right wall and go right. Get the key here. Go down one screen and get the key by killing all the enemies. Go down then down the stairs. Go up once you emerge from the screen, slay the dragon for a heart container and then go up for the second Triforce piece.
Dungeon 3
Enter and go up six screens, getting a map in the third, a key in the fourth and the metal boomerang in the sixth. Go back down five screens and go right. Use bombs to get the heart container. Go down and get the compass, go to the right wall, push the middle stone and take the stairs. When you emerge, get the key and go up. Defeat the boss to get the third Triforce piece.
Dungeon 4
Enter and go left with the candle and get the key. Go right, then up. Then go left, grab the compass and then go up with candle in hand and head right, slay the dragon and go right again. Walk to the left wall and move the middle stone and take stairs to get the Magic Book. Return to room and walk through the top wall and pay the 100 rupees to up your bomb capacity to 12. Walk through the left wall, exit left then go up two screens, bomb the top wall and go up. Walk through the top wall, then through the right wall, only if you have 50 rupees. If you have less than 50 Rupees it will cost you 1 Heart Container. After paying, go right and move the middle stone on the left to reveal the stairs. Go up and claim your heart container, then go up again, but don't claim the Triforce piece yet. Instead, walk through the top wall and go up two more screens. Move the stone that leads to the left, but don't take that route. Take the stairs and claim the raft. Now, that being done, go back and claim the fourth Triforce piece.
Dungeon 5
Enter, go up then go left, using the candle. Go down and take the stairs (Call this screen Area 1). Upon emerging, go left and move the center stone. The new screen will get you a key and then go down and take the stairs to claim the bow. Go back to Area 1 and go up and left. Use the candle and collect the map. Then go up two screens (watch out for the spikes in screen two) and go right to grab the compass. Then go up, right and up. Take the stairs in this room and when you emerge on the new screen, go left. Kill the dragon for a heart container. Go up for the fifth Triforce piece.
Dungeon 6
Enter and go up two screens with the candle. Then go left three screens. On the third screen, activate the spikes so you can get to the left side. Move the leftmost stone and go down to get the ladder. When you get back from getting the ladder, go right twice and down, and get the key. Go up and right, then bomb the top wall and go up. Bomb the top wall and go up once more. Get the compass in this room and go up again. Move the left stone in the middle row and take the stairs. When you emerge, blast the south wall and go down to get a key. Go up and right and kill the dragon. Go right and take the stairs. When you emerge, go up one screen, get the heart container and up one more for the sixth Triforce piece.
Dungeon 7
Enter and go right three screens (call the third screen Area 1). To take the stairs, move the third block from the top in the second diagonal row. Take the stairs. When you emerge, go down. Get a key for defeating all the foes, then move the left stone in the middle of the room, so you can find the staircase and the red candle. Go back to Area 1 and go two screens to the right. You will need the candle in the second right screen, then go up, still with candle in hand. Get the map here, then go up four more screens. Grab the key then distract the spikes so you can move the stone and get to the stairs. When you emerge, go up, move the middle stone and go right. Pay the 50 Rupee toll or lose a heart container, and go down. In the second diagonal row from the left, move the third stone from the top and take the stairs. In this new area, go left. Battle the dragon for a heart container, and claim the seventh Triforce piece.
Dungeon 8
Enter, go up and take the stairs. Upon emerging, go down through the wall and go down again. Get the magic wand here via the stairs. Go up one screen then go right. Take the stairs in this room and when you emerge, go up five screens. Claim the compass in the fourth and a key in the fifth screen. Go left two screens, bomb the left wall and go through, then go left another two screens. Get the key and then take the stairs. When you emerge from the stairs, go left and get the magic key. Come back from claiming the key, go right and go down a screen. Clear the room of baddies, move the middle stone and go left. Walk right through the bottom wall, and go right two screens and take the stairs. When you exit the stairs (call this screen Area 1), bomb the bottom wall and go down. Enter the screen and go down again. Kill the dragon and go left. Move the middle stone on the right, enter the passageway and upgrade your bombs to 16. Go back to Area 1 then go two screens up, getting the final Triforce piece.
Dungeon 9
Enter and go up one screen, left three screens and right one. Bomb the top wall and go up. Go right one screen, up one and then walk through the left wall. In this new screen, go left one screen then up one screen. Walk through the left wall and on the next screen, take the stairs to the red ring. When you emerge, go right through the wall. Move the stone and take the stairs. When you emerge, go left, blow up the top wall of the next screen and go through, then walk through the left wall. Get the stairs in the next room by moving the stone in the middle of the room. Enter the stairs and get the silver arrows. When you get back to the room, walk through the right wall, go up one screen then left one screen. Move the left stone and take the stairs. When you emerge, go right. Go up, left three screens, right, up, right, and up. Walk through the left wall, go left and then go up. Move the left stone to get the stairs. Go right when you emerge, through the bomb hole, and cross the screen and go right again. Destroy Ganon with the sword and silver arrows, just like before, and save the princess again to complete the game!
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