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The Games
 The Legend of Zelda
 The Adventure of Link
 A Link to the Past
 Link's Awakening (DX)
 Ocarina of Time
 Majora's Mask
 Oracle of Seasons
 Oracle of Ages
 The Wind Waker
 The Four Swords

Link to PZ

Let me guess: you have your own website and you want to link to me? Well, I have no idea why you'd wanna do that. But to make it easier for you, because you're special I have images that you can use to link to this site. I've also provided the HTML code for you to do it. Simply link to PZ's images like this -

<a href=""><img src="" width=88 height=32 border=0 alt="Project Zelda"></a>
Project Zelda

<a href=""><img src="" width=88 height=31 border=0 alt="Project Zelda"></a>
Project Zelda

<a href=""><img src="" width=400 height=40 border=0 alt="Project Zelda"></a>
Project Zelda

<a href=""><img src="" width=400 height=40 border=0 alt="Project Zelda"></a>
Project Zelda

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